Friday, October 26, 2018

4 Resume mistakes that can hamper your interview chances in Google

Google is known for its innovations and the best work culture and employee benefits for many people. But Google recruiters came across some mistakes that were repeated by the candidates. This is the most considerable reason to get eliminated and not consider for the  says wisdom jobs career edge experts. Here are the five biggest mistakes made by the candidates that turn off the Google's HR head.

Typo error: Candidates who tweak their resumes regularly are affected with this kind of mistakes. Because they do more than required formatting to get the final version, but this make them to land several blunders. Typos make employers interpret to interpret as a lack of detail-orientation or as a failure to care about quality suggests wisdom jobs reviews career experts. To avoid this kind of typo errors you need to go through your resume thoroughly from top to bottom by focusing on each line in isolation.

Length: Hiring experts advise that don't load your resume with loads of information. A good resume fit for one page even though if you're having years of experience. Make sure that your resume should be crisp, focused and able to demonstrate the synthesise, prioritise, and convey the most important information of your career finds wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts . The main aim of your resume is to get you an interview but not convincing the hiring manager to say YES. Your resume is the first document that gets you an interview.

Formatting: Your resume should include at least ten point font with consistent spacing between lines, columns aligned, your name and contact information on every page. Saving it in PDF format can grab the recruiter's eye when sending across platforms.

Confidential information: Never share confidential information on your resume. Sharing such information can risk your creditability in an organization. It may take the attention of recruiter for a while but it can put you inn blacklist forever.

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