Many people will receive only one opportunity to project themselves and show them as prospective jobseekers to the employers. You have a good resume with in impressive cover letter and you got a call from employers because of that. Now you have to ensure that potential employer have impressed with the facts showed at the time of interview. As we know first impression is the best impression and it continues till the end of the interview. Various factors like how you have dressed up, your communication and your personality and other factors. Wisdom jobs career edge suggest that below mistakes are found by some job seekers in many interviews:
♦ Late comers: Wisdomjobs reviews found that Interviewers considers this fact in a serious way and if you are late at any interview it created bad impression with interviewers. If you are late by unexpected reasons, then call them and explain the reasons for delay.
♦ Showing more enthusiasm about pay and benefits: Pay and benefits will be discussed after some point of discussion in any interview. Let interviewers come out this topic and asked about the same. Do research about the salary in the industry offered by different companies.
♦ If you answer a call on your mobile: This is most important fact considered by employers. Give more importance to your interview than any other calls and switch off your phone while going for an interview. If you forget and your phone rings then say sorry to the employers and switch off it.
♦ Never talk bad about previous employers: Whatever the situations but never talk bad or comment your previous employers. It will create the doubt that same will happen with present employers.
♦ If you dress improperly: Wisdom jobs complaints suggest that your dressing sense will create a great impression on employers but you should wear formal attire matching with the expected position.
♦ Lying: Interviewers will recognize easily if you lie about any aspects in an interview.
♦ Not asking questions: When the interviewer asked to ask questions then you should show enthusiasm and ask some questions related to your role and job profile.