Preparing for a job interview doesn’t mean that answers for each and every question asked in a job interview. You should also have clarity on what you should say or what you shouldn’t say in your job interview. As per wisdom jobs, reviews say that sharing too much information isn’t going to help you in any job interview, instead, it could costs you a job offer. So, be crispy while you are answering and focus on your skills and qualifications for a job. The interviewer thinks twice if you have made a mistake or said something inappropriate. Wisdom jobs career edge suggest that following 8 things you shouldn’t say in an interview.

1. Sorry, I’m late: The most important thing is that never reach late for the interview. Sorry I’m late is the worst sentence you can start your interview, it displays your punctuality. Wisdom jobs complaints say that don’t give them a bad impression that your interviewer let to know about it.
2. Never Lie: Ever lie about anything that makes you caught and create an embarrassing moment. Sometimes it may backfire you in future.
3. I hate my ex-boss: Never talk bad about your ex-boss or ex-colleague or your job profile. It creates a bad impression about you and captures as a complainer.
4. What I like about you: Never complement interviewer on the first meet how much you like his shirt/glasses/watch etc. It conveys that you are flattering them.
5. Do not threaten: If the interviewer asks the question ‘where do you see yourself in the next five years?’ then do not answer that working in the same company at your position. Just say that I want to grow myself and learning a lot from the experience gained from this job.
6. I don’t have any questions: When the interviewer asks if any questions then do not say “I don’t”. If you have any questions about the company ask them and make the interview more interactive.
7. I want a job…any job: Never exhibit that you are so much desperate to get a job. Add your strengths and skills relate to the job and tell recruiters that you are so much interested in the job.
8. Do not ask unreasonable questions: Do not ask unreasonable questions like what perks will you get? How often do you guys give promotions? How much will be my salary? How much vacation time do I get? You can ask these questions at the time job offer.
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